August 19, 2018 – Meeting old friends

These humans were very, very busy the last couple of days and they did not have time for me. They didn’t take me to the lake, they didn’t play with me and they did not cuddle me as they usually do. Instead they were running around and moving things from one place to the other. They told me they get ready for the True North Voyageur Brigade. Just wondering, when there is a True North, is there an Untrue North too? What does True North mean, where does it start? That language humans speak (I am talking about human language in general) is way too complicated. Dog language is way easier.

Where was I, yes, the humans worked hard to prepare the property for the paddlers that were expected to arrive the next day. Some of them said they would come one day earlier, which means today.
Joyce and my mistress decided to make Chili for those who come earlier to give them a warm welcome. I kind of like Chili, well at least the smell of it, as I never had a chance to try it. They keep telling me that I am not allowed to have that because there are beans in it and I would, excuse me, fart too much. I never fart, I might get rid of air in my stomach very silently with a slight pfffffft and it might stink but I never fart. It’s insulting to say something like that.
The paddlers arrived during the day. Dave and Moira came together, I remember them well. Dave and Dwight (he is not part of this years brigade) invited us to a hotel twice last year while it was raining. And Moira had a bad experience once with a dog but she was always was very nice to me and even pet me once when we said goodbye last year.
My humans and Joyce were very happy to see them again.
Danielle was the first one that arrived. She is a very nice and quiet person, always polite and caring.
Roz was another paddler that arrived a day earlier. She had a tent that was attached to her van and my humans thought that might be a good idea for our van too.
Caroline and Dave arrived that day too. We met Caroline last year in Black Rapids; she was with the South Wind Brigade. Dave wasn’t here to paddle; he just wanted to explore the back roads and help where help was needed.
They all had Chili for supper with my humans and Joyce. Unfortunately Tim, Holli and Candisse did not join them. Remember, I am a hoarding dog, well at least partially, and I like to have everybody together. That makes it way easier for me to make sure I can get all the food that falls on the ground. Roz brought a bottle of wine for everybody to share when they had dinner. I noticed that when humans drink that stuff called wine they sometimes get very funny and behave weird. Plus they talk a lot. Ok, Roz talks a lot anyways but she is so nice. I just can’t keep up with her talking because I don’t understand a lot of things she is saying and too much talking makes me tired.
Later Gail and Vy arrived and my mistress made sure they got some of the Chili too.
After it was dark Tim started a big campfire and the humans gathered there to talk and chill.

Professional Reader


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