August 11, 2018 – Cochrane Summerfest

Today my humans loaded the van and we went to Cochrane. Holli accompanied us.
I told you my humans are part of that True North Voyageur Brigade and they wanted to promote this at the Summerfest in Cochrane. They also wanted to make balloons.
They all had this bright orange brigade t-shirt on. I personally think they look like buoys.
Our van had some issues this morning. It has been raining and as our van is used to the desert it is not used to that much rain and humidity. The van just stopped running a couple of times, the engine stopped. At the gas station my master found out what the reason for that was. There was water sitting on the battery and every time we went over a bump (oh there is plenty of bumps on the streets here) there was a short and the engine turned off and would not start again. After my master fixed this, the van was fine and we made it to Cochrane. There was no time for breakfast before we left and my mistress gets grumpy if she does not get at least a cup of hot tea. So they stopped at Tim Hortons in Cochrane for a coffee and a little snack. Meanwhile I had to stay in the van. Wouldn’t you expect to get a little treat after they left you in the van all by yourself? No, nothing, I didn’t get anything. I need to talk about this to my humans, that’s just not right.

Anyways, after we arrived at the summerfest and set up everything – yes you are right I wasn’t much of help with that, the humans did that. But I watched from the van and made sure they do it right.
Next to us was a little booth with caps and jewelry and more from Native People. Opposite to us was a booth with a barbecue. But there wasn’t just one booth with a barbecue; there were a couple of them. That was a barbecue competition. That smelled so good. I would have loved to go there and check out what they have on their grills.

It was very hot that day and my humans took me to the lake called Lake Commando a couple of times to cool down and have a drink. I could not go for a swim but just cooling down my feet and my belly was a great relief.

My master is always good in meeting new people and making contact. He went to these people from the barbecue competition and brought some little bites to taste. I was allowed to have a little tiny piece of that too. OH MY GOD, that caramelized bacon was soooooooooo good. The guys he got that from are called “Broken Antler BBQ”.
There was a suckling on one of the grills, filled with rips. That smelled so delicious. Later my humans were allowed to taste this and you should have seen their faces. They just loved it and I got a very small piece of that too. HEAVEN! This must be heaven. Can I get that every day as my food?

While we were at the summerfest my humans bought some vegetables and jam. They had like the best tomatoes, cucumbers and raspberries my humans had for a long time. Thanks to you my mistress did not have issues with eating tomatoes as this was all organic. She asked me to thank you for this - JK Gardens from Cochrane. You can find them on the Farmers Market in Cochrane every Saturday.

Professional Reader


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