August 10, 2018 – I am completely stressed out

I need to apologize for not blogging for a long time. These dogs Sally and Silver, they have been in heat again and I just could not think straight. This time I had not only to deal with Sally and Silver but I had to make sure Diesel and Snoop Dog stayed away from them. Ice Cube is not old enough yet.
Oh man, I tell you, that really was a lot to take care of. Also I had to try to escape from my humans to do all this. They kept me on the leash most of the time because Tim doesn’t want little puppies.
Puppies with Silver and/or Sally would look so cute, I am sure. But it looks like that’s not going to happen because I missed it this time.
There might be puppies with Silver or Sally and Diesel as he was after them all the time.

Yes and than there is Lady. Lady is Leonce’s new dog. She is only three month old and loves playing with me. The thing is, she is young and has a lot of energy. She is jumping around me all the time, trying to play with me and she is pinching me. Did you ever feel the first teeth of a young dog on your skin? Well, if yes you know exactly what that feels like.

I am completely exhausted. I am a herding dog and taking care of all these dogs is just way too much to handle not to mention all these humans on the property.
Sorry, with all that going on I just wasn’t able to have some privacy with my mistress to blog.

But that’s not all. My mistress made me wear a tuck and a sash for a picture. Oh I don’t like that but for my mistress I will do everything. She told me I am the mascot of the brigade again and that she needs to advertise for the brigade.

Last but not least we had another visitor on the property. A duck! Aren’t ducks supposed to be in the water? What do they want on the property? I am sure you agree that I had to take care of the duck and make sure she does not come back.
Wait a minute, you don’t really think I did her any harm, do you? No, I just scared her away, that should do.

Professional Reader


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