June 24, 2018 – What are borders good for anyways?

We got up early and it was very windy outside. My humans took a shower, had breakfast and made sure everything was put away safely in the van.
After checking out we left Duluth and drove along the shoreline of Lake Superior.
Lake Superior is considered the largest freshwater lake in the world, at least by surface area. It competes with Lake Baikal in Russia, which is the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume. The shoreline of Lake Superior stretches 2,726 miles (4.387 km). Well, that explains why we drove along the shoreline for such a long time.

I always tried to catch a view on the lake but there were trees everywhere. It was a bumpy road as the roads were bad and the wind blowing from the lake was very strong.

It’s about time we arrive at Tim’s place, I am tired of sitting in the car and not be able to run around. I wonder how much longer it will take.
My humans told me we would probably arrive there the next day.

We stopped at a nice place called Grand Marais. I needed to pee and walk around a little on the leash. It still was very windy and I kind of like that when I am allowed to run.

My humans kept on driving for another couple of hours and after we crossed a big bridge my humans told me that we would cross the Canadian Border soon. What on earth is a border and what is this good for? Why do you have divided the earth into different sections called countries? What if I as a dog would just run from one country into another? How should I know there is a border? And how about humans? They are humans after all and it should not make a difference which country they are coming from. My mistress tried to explain this to me. She told me you have to have a passport that shows your citizenship and to go to some countries you need to have a visa and you are only allowed to stay for a certain amount of time. And she told me that there are people fleeing their countries because of war (this is where they kill each other or are killed by a certain group of people) or poverty and that they travel on tiny little boats on the big ocean to go to another country and when they arrive there they are not free any more.
Sorry, to me this does not make sense. Humans should be allowed to live and work wherever they want to. Some people might like to live in colder areas whereas others prefer to live in the desert. I know some humans look different than others, sometimes it’s the color of the skin that is different, sometimes it is the shape of the eyes and sometimes it’s just little differences but at the end they are all humans. Dogs for example, there are different breads but at the end we are all dogs.
My mistress also told me that humans are still fighting over land like in Gaza. Doesn’t the earth belong to all creatures on earth?
So why do people fight over land? Just let them live wherever they want to and let them work wherever they like.
I don’t know why you would need borders. The environment did not look different on the US side then on the Canadian side.
Maybe it’s just me that does not understand the necessity of borders and countries. What do you think?

Sorry, I got sidetracked again but this really bothers me.
Back to crossing the Canadian Border. I don’t have a passport but I do have a little book that shows my vaccinations. One of the vaccinations was due the next day and these people at the Canadian Border had to look up if I was allowed to cross the border or not.
That’s another thing I don’t understand. Ok, first at all, I am glad I have these vaccinations and can’t get deceases like rabies but foxes, rabbits and other wild animals don’t get these vaccinations and they cross the border all the time. Do they have to show their little book to anybody when they cross the border? How does that work? No, I just don’t understand that. Again, maybe that’s just me and everybody else sees this differently.

Well, never the less, they looked it up and said I’m good to go but I should get my shot soon. They asked my humans some more questions and we were good to go.
So this means we are in Canada now!
Canada, the land of the mosquitos. It didn’t take long and we had the first mosquitos in the van.
We drove long today and in Geraldton we stopped for the night at a gas station. That seemed to be the local Truck Stop although the gas station was closed during the night. But there were other trucks staying over night too and that mend we are safe for the night.
Before we could sleep we had to get rid of the mosquitos in the van. My humans tried to hit them with something in the back and I tried my best to catch them. After a while we got rid of most of them. Luckily it cooled down during the night and the mosquitos stopped flying around. Most of them stuck around my mistress to bite her and she didn’t like that.

Professional Reader


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