July 13, 2018 – A new theory

You all probably can imagine that I can’t write and read although I am writing this blog. My mistress is my secretary and I tell her what to write. After she wrote it she has to read it to me to make sure she didn’t get anything wrong. I am a perfectionist.

Now you might think, how come my mistress understands me. She is a human being and I am a dog and we do not speak the same language. From the first second I met my mistress when I was only 3 weeks old she knew what I felt. After I moved in with my humans she was the one that always understood best what I needed. The last couple of years she could read my mind like an open book and there is nothing I can hide from her. Trust me, this is not always easy for me as I do have my private thoughts too. Dictating this to her is even worth.

I thought of this quite a while. I wasn’t sure if I should talk about my theory in public, to all of you. You might think I am crazy after all. But I would like to hear your opinion on that, as I am really confused.

So here is my theory:
My mistress and my master talked about a human that got donated blood and that his or her blood type changed after that. I did not understand that at first but my mistress explained that whole thing to me.
Humans (and dogs too) have a blood type. Blood is that red stuff running through the body, without that we could not live. There are different types of blood types. If somebody (human or animal) looses too much blood they get donated blood. That donated blood comes from another human or animal. No, you can’t donate animal blood to a human. I know that. Now these blood types are kind of special. Not every blood type can be donated. For example if you have blood type 0 you can only get donated blood from someone with the same blood type. But if you have blood type A you can get blood donations from other blood types too. That’s how it can happen that a blood type might change because you have more blood in your body of that donated type then your own. I am not quite sure if I got that right when she explained it to me and it might not be true after all because my mistress never checked if this story was really true.

My theory now is that my mistress was bitten by a mosquito that bit me right before. So this way my blood came in contact with her blood. And that’s why she can read me like an open book.

Does that sound crazy to you? It did to me in the beginning but the more I thought about this the more realistic that seemed to be.
Let me know what you think about this. You, yes you. Comment on my blog and let me know what you think.

Professional Reader


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