June 5, 2018 – Am I supposed to sleep in the van while we are traveling???

My humans are out of their mind! They seriously building a bed in the van for them selves and I am supposed to sleep on one of the benches. IN THE VAN! I deserve better than that, don’t you agree?

This van is really big and there is plenty of room in the back so my humans decided to sleep in the van. But there is not enough room for me on that bed and so they prepared my seat as a bed.

I am not sure weather I should like that or not. I do have a window to the right and to the left and I do have enough room to stretch out my legs but only the idea to have to sleep in the van is weird. I don’t like it. I prefer to sleep in bed with my humans although they don’t really like me to do so. I just sneak in during the night.

See for yourself how my bed looks like. Do you think this is comfortable?

And there is no vent, no a/c, nothing. It will be hot during the night. Sometimes I just can’t understand my humans. Why would you do something like that?
At least we will stay one night at a friend’s house in Colorado.
I might have to think about a way to convince them not to sleep in the car.

Their bed seems to be way more comfortable. Maybe I need to just join them while they are asleep.

I will let you know how that went.


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