June 4, 2018 – My friend Cameron

I think I never told you about my friend Cameron. He is a young boy, our friend Ken’s grandson.
He is a nice guy; he plays with me and cuddles with me. Sometimes he does not let me sleep when I am tired but he does not speak my body language. He knows the basics but he just does not have the experience with dogs because they don’t have a dog. If they would have a dog he would easily learn dog body language.

Cameron is very sensitive and he can feel when people or animals don’t feel good. When he found a mouse that was poisoned with the rat poison he took care of it because he felt so sorry for it. When he accidently hurt one of the pet rats of his sister he cried and made sure it will be ok.

He is a smart little guy and he understands more than other kids his age. He might not be perfect in understanding dog body language but he is very good in talking his own language. The way he talks is rather the way an adult would talk. He likes reading that might be the reason for it. He even reads my blog and finds it funny. FUNNY???? Excuse me – this is serious stuff I am blogging about. ;-)

Even if somebody in his family or friends feels bad or is sad he senses this. Sometimes I feel sorry for him because there are no friends around where he could just go and play.
And he is very curious, he likes to explore the world, dig in the mud, roll in the dirt, and ask questions about god and the world.
My humans like him very much too. But somehow he changed the last couple of weeks. He is not as easygoing as he was before. I don’t know what happened. He does not seam to be sad but maybe something is bothering him. Cameron I wish you will be as happy and easygoing as you were before.
Maybe it just has to do with my humans and me. Did we do something wrong? Did I ignore him too many times because I was tired? I wish he would tell me. This is bothering me. Now we have to leave in a couple of days and I don’t have the chance to figure that out.

Cameron, keep asking questions about God and the world and make up your own mind about everything. Question what other people tell you, whoever it is. They might be right or they might be wrong. Keep being open hearted and caring for others, humans and animals.

Oops, that is a very personal blog but I just wanted to say that.

Here is for everybody – Question what you are told, question what people tell you about an animal or a person. Try to see things from more than one angle. Keep your sense of humor when you get older and keep caring for animals and people. Make the best out of your life, it might be short.

Professional Reader


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