June 23, 2018 – Almost in Canada

We woke up because it was so hot in the van. The sun was shining and heated up the van although it was cool outside. The heat wasn’t the problem but the humidity. In the desert in Nevada we had about 5-9% humidity and here we had more than 70%.

My humans got up quickly to open the windows and get some fresh air in the van.
As they weren’t sure if they would meet with some balloon artists in Minneapolis today to show my master’s software they decided to have a shower. There is no way to take a shower at Walmart but at the truck stops you can get this. But the truck stops charge $12 for one person to shower and you have to wait in line. So my humans decided to stay on a campground for the night where the shower is included in the price and we would have power too so that my mistress can publish what I am writing. I am good in telling my story but my mistress has to write it down for me and publish it.
We stayed in St. Paul for about two hours to find out if there was somebody that wanted to meet with us but as we found out later they were busy. My humans wanted to get to Duluth and so we left without meeting with other balloon artists.

My humans made some phone calls to make sure we get a place at a campground as it was Saturday. We found a place called Indian Point Campground.
After more than a two hours drive we finally arrived in Duluth.
I wasn’t comfortable in the car today. Somehow I couldn’t sit still and had to move around all the time. I drove my humans nuts. Maybe I am tired of sitting in the car all day long.

The campground is very nice. There is water all around and they even have a pier for canoes. Tents are next to the RVs whereas normally the tent places are separate, away from the RVs. There are a lot of fire pits where the humans can light a fire in the evening. That lady at the office was very nice. I haven’t met her but my humans told me. And they also told me the showers and bathrooms were clean but might need a little renovation. Luckily I don’t need showers and bathrooms or toilets. All I need is a tree to pee on and some grass for the rest – you know what I mean ;-).
So if you ever come to Duluth, Minnesota and you look for a campground, go to Indian Point Campground.

Did you know it’s more than a year since I started writing my blog? Isn’t that awesome? It’s amazing to see that people from all over the world read my blog. While I dictate this to my mistress people from the USA, Philippines and Peru read my blog. But I am a little sad, nobody tells me what they think about my blog or what they like best or who they are. Please comment on my blog and let me know what you think.
Or comment on my Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LupoTraveling/.

I need to go to sleep. My mistress told me that we will cross the border to Canada tomorrow and I want to look good so I need my beauty sleep. Good night.

Professional Reader


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