June 20, 2018 - Steaks walking around

This morning my master had another look at the car as they found out that one light of the Van did not work. He repaired it. After that he went to Walmart to wash his hands and he saw one of the security people talking to two kids. To my master it seemed like these kids did something wrong but instead of calling the police to report them he talked to them, explained them why they should not do this and asked them that from now, every time they come in this Walmart they should come to him, greet him and tell him how they are. He couldn't help hearing all this as they stood right next to him and he couldn't step away.
My master was impressed by this as to him this seems to be the right way to deal with these kids. And he told that the security man. His name is Chris. They talked for a short time and my master told him about my blog.

After they had breakfast my mistress started the car. It didn't sound right, something was wrong but they couldn't figure out what so they started driving.
It sounded like something was banging at the car so they stopped again and my master went underneath the car to find out what it was. He couldn't find anything. My mistress said there is something wrong with the stirring wheel but she couldn't say what exactly.
We went back to the Walmart parking lot and they checked and looked again but could find anything. My master went back to Walmart and had a look for Chris to ask him if he knew a trustworthy garage or mechanic who might have look at the van. Chris gave him a phone number and my mistress called him. Unfortunately he did not have time. So my master went into O’Reilley Auto Parts and asked there and they gave him an address. My humans decided to go there and ask if they could have a look. But before we could drive off my mistress had an idea what that noise might be. One part in front of the van where the headlight is got loose and it was banging every time they drove over a hole in the street.

I found all this very annoying. Start, stop, in, out, and so on and so on. I’m ok with sitting in the car while they drive on the freeway but this is too much. I told my mistress but she couldn't help it.

At that other garage, BigOTires in 4694 Peoria St, my mistress explained what the problem was and that we were on our way to Canada. They asked us to wait a little bit until one of the mechanics would have time to check on the van. It didn't take long and they found out what the problem was. The stirring wheel fluid was empty. They refilled it and didn't charge anything for it. Isn't this awesome. Thank you so much BigOTires, that was awesome.
My humans were so happy and couldn't believe it.

We left Denver. I was happy to leave that city as I don't like big cities. There is too much noise, too many people and way too much cars.

It was very windy on the freeway. I don't know if I told hubby one of the windows in the van is missing and my humans taped some kind of plastic and this was bent by the wind. They stopped to fix it and as it was time for a break anyways they stopped at one of these rest points. There was a little dog park. My mistress took me there and let me run. Ooh, something smelled so good. I had to set my mark everywhere. When we came back to the car my master talked to another man and he had a dog with him. Her name was Lana and she was beautiful and very young. Only one year old in human years. We played a little while the humans talked.

When they left my humans fixed the window and had a late lunch. This time I didn't get anything. My master ate that left over chicken all by himself.
I can't say I like him when he does this but even if I try to stare him down or look soooo sad, it doesn't help.
Why is it that human food tastes so much better than dog food? Can’t they make dog food that tastes like human food? Well, then it would be human food again. This is confusing.

We continued driving for a long giam and I was able to nap a little although it was very loud in the van due to that wind.
My humans stopped to put gas in the van. This is like food for the car but it doesn't smell good at all. I think I don't want to try this.

At the gas station a young couple stood next to us and the guy told ny mistress that he had a van like ours, three years younger than ours but it caught fire because a squirrel built it nest in the engine.why would a squirrel do something like that. No I’m not asking what a squirrel is, I know exactly what it is as I watched them through the window in our house in Germany.

The young lady in the car asked my mistress a couple of questions about me and she asked if she could pet me. I love being pet and I jumped on the drivers seat as fast as I could to meet her.
Oh I forgot to tell you that my mistress broke one of the van’s doors, that sliding door.

I was talking about food earlier. Well there were a lot of cows to see while we drove. Some black, some brown and some white and black.
My master said that these are steaks standing around. Does he mean steaks are from cows? These humans eat animals? And my dog food is made from animals too? Well, Imam related to wolves and do you really thing these wolves would dig out carrots to eat them? They eat meat and so do I.

Later we arrived in North Platte, Nebraska and we looked for the Walmart parking lot. There were already a lot of trucks, RVs and campers parked and my humans parked the van next to them. They say it's safe there because there are security cameras everywhere. Not all Walmarts allow that but most do.

I think I will dream of Lana, this beauty. I feel like I felt in love again. Or maybe I dream of steaks? Or having a steak or two together with Lana, or maybe with Bella.

Professional Reader


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