June 17, 2018 - there are angels in this world made out of flesh and blood

My humans weren't too ich in a hurry this morning to leave. It was nice not too have hot temperatures but a chilly wind.
We drove the I-15 North for another 50 miles and turned on the I-70 East. When we turned on the I-70 it was only one lane due to road work. When we went downhill finally after a couple of miles something hit the car from underneath . There was a broken tire next to the road and probably a tiny little piece was on the street.
It made a big bang and it sounded like something was underneath the van. My mistress pulled over and stopped on the shoulder.

When they looked around the car they could see that they lost break fluid. After they opened the hood they could see that one of the belts was broken and got caught inanother belt that was twisted. No wa we could go on.

My mistress is smart and she made sure that she has internet access with her phone and could make calls. Well, if only there was reception.
I could feel that my mistress and my master too were worried. My humans are members of something called ADAC, this is something that helps you when you get stuck with your car. As far as she knew they work together with a company that does the same thing in the US and Canada. But she could not call them as she did not reception.

So my mistress started to waive at cars that came down the hill to stop. I was scared by all the cars that passed us as the van was shaking every single time and when a truck passed us it was even worth.
One car stopped and they let my mistress use their phone to call the ADAC and the AAA and a tow truck company. Neither of them could help. These very friendly people had to leave but they promised to call the Highway Patrol and that they might check on us later. Thank you Candice and family or friends for your help. We appreciate.

Now we had to wait for Highway Patrol but they did not show up. We’ve been waiting for another 2 hours or so. My master thought of taking the van apart to see what was the problem and how to maybe fix it.
But my mistress was too worried about him working on the car on the shoulder while all these fast cars passed us.
She climbed up the hill to see if she could make a phone call to the ADAC to get the correct member number for the AAA. No luck with that.

After a while they decided to try to stop another car to be able to call Highway Patrol. This time a truck driver stopped. He had a look at our van Arnd saw the problem with the belts. He went back to his truck to get something and returned with a pair of scissors and a big, big knife, more like a machete.
He cut the belts loose. My mistress started the car to see if we could drive to the next exit but more break fluid came out of a hose. He decided to tow us to station where they check on trucks five miles further.
And that’s what they did. My mistress was driving the van. There wasn’t much distance between the truck and our van. As the engine was not turned on it was hard for my mistress to stir or push the brakes. I could feel that she was worried and stressed but I couldn't touch her with my nose as I usually do because I couldn't distract her.
They drove on the shoulder as they had to go slow. We went over a bridge over a deep creek. I did not like that and neither did my humans. My master is afraid of heights and I could feel his stress.
After a couple of miles we stopped on a side road and our angel Manuel told us that that station he wanted to take us to was closed. Instead he wanted to tow us further. But he had an idea to make it less stressful for my mistress at least for that pushing the brake part as this is really hard to do.
He came up with the idea to put an old tire between the back of his truck and the front of our van as a bumper.
Luckily he had an old tire on his truck and started to put it on. My master helped him. They used strips to tie it to the truck and the van.
After a while they finished and we were towed again. After a few feet we had to stop as they had to pull the strips tighter.
Oh my god, what a ride, Manuel was awesome and his idea worked out pretty good. He towed us all the way to Richfield to the parking lot where all the big trucks stay to rest.
Thank you so much Manuel, you saved my humans and me today. What an angel. I might only be a dog but I know an angel when I see one. I hope your read this. You do not know how this meant to my humans.

My humans and I were allowed to stay here for the night and my master already checked with a garage where we will go tomorrow morning.

What an exiting day not only for me. I am tired after all this but I wanted to make sure you can read this.


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