May 30, 2018 – What is the DMV and why does a car need oil?

Why do my humans have to get up that early? I need my beauty sleep and getting up before 9:30 am is not appreciated.
Today they got up at 7am, way too early if you ask me. The reason for that was that my humans had to go to the DMV – Department of Motor Vehicles. Don’t ask me what that is – remember, I am a dog.

My mistress tried to explain that to me. They bought that car/van/bus and now they need to register the car so it has a license plate. Yesterday my humans took me to the garage in town to ask for an appointment. They want to have the car checked before they drive it and the car needs an oil change. What is an oil change? My mistress told me that the engine needs oil to run. What is an engine? Sorry, I just don’t understand all this. My master gave me this explanation:
The car is like a dog. A dog has a heart that let’s the body runs and the engine of a car is like the heart of a dog. Ok, I do understand that. The heart runs with blood, which would be gas for a car. To make sure the engine does not get to hot it needs oil. There is no such thing in a body. That’s what I understood so far and it seems quite logical. But why does the car need a license plate? Is this something like a name? That can’t be it, they change the license plates sometimes but you don’t change your name. Yesterday she spent a long time on the phone to get something called insurance. Humans!

Sorry, I got sidetracked again. My humans have an appointment at the garage tomorrow and without a license plate or permission. That’s why they went to the DMV this morning. We had to wait just a short time until that nice lady called us to come to her counter. Holly was very friendly and she was in a very good mood. They found out that she lives right across the street from where we are. She lives in that house where the coyotes have been in the front yard a couple of days ago. I don’t think she knew and I couldn’t tell her. Maybe she reads my blog and finds out. She has three German Shepherds, I saw them a couple of times. Funny thing is - they did not bark when the coyotes came to visit them. Normally they bark whenever I pass the house.
Aah, where was I, yes, the DMV. My humans got the paper they needed and paid for it. They are good now to take the car to the garage tomorrow.

Wait a minute – getting the car ready, that’s what they do. Does that mean we will be on the road again soon? Back to Canada? Mmmh, maybe not a bad idea as it is getting very hot here. But – and this is a very big BUT – there are mosquitos in Canada and they try to eat me alive. Any way I can get send the mosquitos and black flies to Nevada while I am in Canada? No? WHY NOT??????
I need to talk to my mistress about this. There must be a way to keep these mosquitos away from me.
Sorry, I need to go and have that conversation. Talk to you soon!

Professional Reader


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