May 24, 2018 – Can coyotes read a dog’s mind from the distance?

Remember, two days ago I told you that I heard the coyotes during the night but I have never seen one? Well, they either red my blog or they can read my mind, feel my vibes or just can read my mind.
This morning my mistress was on that thing called computer again. She looked up at the house across the street and saw a coyote. And there was another one. The second one was limping.
She went out front to look what they are doing. The coyotes crossed the street and walked on an empty property next to “our” house. When she was out front I was not allowed to come but I was allowed to go in the backyard with her to see what the coyotes were up to.
There they were, just strolling around. One of them tried to chase a rabbit. See for yourself on my Facebook Page. My mistress is smart so she took a video.

Later we went to Home Depot as my master is making some small repairs on the car and he needed some things for that. My humans know how much I love going shopping (no, I am not female!) and took me with them.
At the check out was a very friendly guy named Stan. Hi Stan, hope you like my blog. Next to us on the other check out was a very friendly lady we already met a couple of times. I forgot her name. She is always smiling at me. Maybe she reads this and can tell me her name.

Nothing else happened that day but I wanted to let you know I saw coyotes! I still have to figure out how they knew about my blog.

It’s dinnertime now and I am looking forward to a big bole of food. They won’t give me any of their egg salad though but I am fine with my food.

I know it's blurry but can you find the coyote?

Professional Reader


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