May 13, 2018 – Red Rock Canyon and Cactus Joe’s and am I famous?

This was one of these days where my humans decided to go on a trip. I kind of like that as I can get out of the house and see (means smell) different things.
But first thing they did this morning was heaving breakfast. Well, they do have breakfast every morning but this morning they went to the Nugget to have breakfast. They told me it’s Mothers Day and therefore my master took my mistress out for breakfast.
Remember, the Nugget is a Casino in Pahrump and I have been there before with my humans. The Golden Harvest Café is open 24 hours a day.
The waitress at the entrance was a little confused where to seat my humans as I was with them but they told her that a booth would be fine and I would be quiet anyways. How could she know that I am a well behaving dog that travels the world?

My humans ordered their breakfast and I could hear the word “bacon”. I know what bacon is. It is something very yummy, something I hardly ever get and if only a very tiny bit of it. They say it’s not good for my health. Hey, who cares about my health? If it is yummy it must be good for my health otherwise it wouldn’t be yummy.

When they served the breakfast my mistress missed the strawberries on her pancakes and the whipped cream. She told the waiter but he mustn’t have heard it. After a while he came back and asked if everything is ok. My mistress reminded him of the strawberries and within a couple of minutes he served it.

Now my mistress was happy, as she loves strawberries and whipped cream on her pancakes.
She was so happy she even gave me some of her bacon. Can you believe that? I got bacon and not only a tiny bit. I think I am the luckiest dog on earth.
At the end my master wasn’t charged for the strawberries and the whipped cream and my humans gave a good tip.

After that we headed towards Red Rock Canyon. At the entrance we had to pay an entrance fee. My humans wanted to go to the Visitor Center first. They looked at the exhibition of photographs and my mistress had a look at the store. As it was very crowded they did not want to go to the outdoor exhibition. They already saw that two years ago.
Back in the car I got some water to drink.

We drove off to the Scenic Drive. This is a 13-mile drive.
Wait a minute – do you even know what Red Rock Canyon is? According to their website “The Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area [RRCNCA] is located just a few miles west of Las Vegas and encompasses 195,819 acres within the Mojave Desert. Red Rock Canyon is an area of worldwide geologic interest and beauty.” And according to Google “it is known for geological features such as towering red sandstone peaks and the Keystone Thrust Fault, as well as Native American petroglyphs. Panoramic viewing spots dot the 13-mile Scenic Drive. The sheltered Ice Box Canyon has seasonal waterfalls.” It is just a few miles west from Las Vegas.

Our first stop was at Calico I. This is where the rocks are red. What, you think dogs are color blind? Let me tell you scientists have proofed that dogs are not color blind. And I can tell you that these rocks are red. Well, and my mistress told me. I mean, I know they have a specific color but I didn’t know you humans call this color red.
Ok, back to these rocks, they are red and very unusual.
There was an information booth at Calico I where the very friendly Jennifer talked to us. She told us something about the snakes in that area.
After that my humans walked down to the rocks but as there were so many people there they decided not to go closer to the rocks. Although it was so crowded my humans spotted a Western Fence Lizard.
They took a couple of pictures and you can see on these pictures how beautiful these rocks are.

Back in the car we drove on and passed Calico II and Sandstone Quarry. At High Point Overlook we stopped again and my mistress took some pictures while my master and I chilled in the sun.
For me they were way too many cars and humans. I would have preferred a nice chat with a dog but the few ones that were around were too far away to talk to. We dogs say hi by sniffing the other dog’s bud. Yes I know, very different to you humans. Just imagine you humans would do that – LOL!

We drove on to the Willow Spring Picnic Area and my humans looked at some stones with Petroglyph’s of the Native Americans. There were also Roasting Pits that the Native Americans used to cook their food.

After this last stop in Red Rock Canyon my humans headed home but decided to make a stop at Cactus Joe’s. They have driven by a couple of times but never went there and were curious what this is.

There is nothing spectacular to see if you stop at Cactus Joe on the first sight. BUT, there is a sign that says that dogs that can behave are welcomed. Now that’s something I like.

This is what their website ( says it is: “Cactus Joe’s Las Vegas Nursery is an eclectic cactus nursery and desert garden. We are Nevada’s best and largest authorized retailer of Joshua Trees. In addition to our Joshua Tree forest, you will find our grounds filled with an array of desert plants including cacti, succulents, agave, ocotillo, yucca, native Nevada plants, and so much more.
We also offer a huge selection of pottery, concrete statues, metal yard art, unique outdoor wooden patio furniture, decorative rainbow glass, rocks, gems, minerals and more. Cactus Joe’s Las Vegas Nursery is a must-see-it-to-believe-it place. Not your typical garden center! With our themed Asian and Western Gardens, Joshua Tree Forest, Petrified Forest, Rock Shop, Gift Shop, South Western Pottery Land, Wedding Chapel, and giant Labyrinth, Cactus Joe’s is a great place to spend the day with family and friends.”

This is not even close to what this place is. My humans were all Ah and Oh and OMG. It took them almost 2 hours to go through that place. Yes, well, it is nice and if would have been allowed I would have marked a lot of trees and cactuses.

Ok, let me tell you what that place really is. It is more like a garden with different themes. Of course you can buy most of the stuff you find there.
There are animals made out of metal, flowers made out of metal and more but not only this. They made a little “Ants World” – means, ant figurines made out of stones are placed in a backdrop as in a Wild West Movie. There are fishes made out of metal placed in big blue glass rocks so it looks like they are swimming in a pool. Hundreds and thousands of stones in all colors, sizes and shapes.
There is a shop just for gemstones too. My humans went in there and met Valery. She is such a nice person and they chatted for quite a while and my humans even bought some healing stones.
Well and there were cactuses of course. I don’t like cactuses too much as they have long spikes.
My humans enjoyed this place very much and so did I. All the employees were very friendly. One of them showed my humans a video of a humming bird that sucked the blossom of a cactus at Cactus Joe’s.
You even can get married there. This is crazy!

Wow, that was an exiting day and I enjoyed being at all these places.

You should check out my Facebook Page to see more of the pictures my mistress took that day. She is planning to make a YouTube channel for me where you can follow my route and see pictures. I don’t know what all this is about. I am only a dog and not even a thoroughbred. I might be smarter than other dogs and I am certainly more beautiful and special than other dogs.

So why is it that people from all over the world read my blog. People from the USA, Canada and Germany are reading my blog. This is understandable as I met a lot of people in these countries. But there are people from Russia, Tunisia, South Korea, Australia, Poland, Peru, Cameroon, Cuba, Singapore and way more countries reading my blog. Does that mean I am famous? Do I need to give autographs now?
If I were famous my humans should treat me differently. I should get the food I require and this is not DOG FOOD. This celebrity diet would include bacon, that’s for sure.

I am tired and call it a day. Good night everybody.

Professional Reader


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