March 6, 2018 – Scorpion

It’s more than a week now that I had that little poisoned mouse as an appetizer and I am fine. After I realized what I have done I was really worried.

Looks like there is more danger than poisoned mice in the desert. Yes, I know, not all mice in the desert are poisoned, just the ones around the house. But there are other animals here that are dangerous.
My mistress found a scorpion in the bathroom the other day. It wasn’t a big one, still a baby, but it already can sting and is poisonous.

The scorpions my mistress found seems to be the Arizona bark scorpion, the most venomous scorpion in North America. It’s not deadly but it can cause severe pain, tingling, vomiting and illness that lasts up to three days.
My mistress took a vacuum cleaner to remove it from the ceiling. Did you know that scorpions could be very fast?

Besides the scorpions there are black widows, a spider. They are poisonous but not deadly. The venom of the black widow is reported to be 15 times stronger than rattle snake’s. When humans are bitten by a black widow the poison produces muscle aches, nausea, and a paralysis of the diaphragm that can make breathing difficult.
They only bite in self-defense. Black widows are easy to identify, they have a red hourglass shape on their back.
There are quite a few inside the house but so far everything went well for my humans and me.

Last year my humans learned that there are Violin Spiders in the area too. The violin spider has necrotic venom. It is potential deadly. They are very small and I haven’t seen any yet.

Centipedes can also be found in the house, they pinch their victim. They puncture your skin with a powerful pair of modified, hollow, clawed legs located on the first body segment, immediately behind the head.
This can cause intense itching, local tenderness, headache, swollen lymph glands, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, anxiety and increasing blood pressure.

There are also rattlesnakes. Rattlesnakes are venomous and have something like a rattle on the end of their tail. A bite of the rattlesnake can be fatal.
A rattlesnake is a pit viper. Pit vipers are snakes with two pits under their nostrils to detect heat.
There is an antivenin if bitten by a rattlesnake.

Besides that there are coyotes, cougars and mountain lions. So far I’ve only heard coyotes but my mistress told me that there have been sightings of cougars in the area.

You see, there are a lot of threads in the desert but there are other animals too. For example there are jackrabbits, roadrunners, hummingbirds, quails, and more. Last week we saw an eagle.

Professional Reader


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