March 18, 2018 - These humans have the best food and I have to eat dog food
Did I mention that there are more people in the house than usually? Mary and her grandson are staying here for a while. That little boy is younger than my friend Cameron and hardly leaves his room. I think he might be afraid of me. That I can’t understand. I am the most friendly dog ever.
Every time he comes out of his room I try to get in contact with him and he is not that afraid any more. Sometimes he and the other kids and teenagers in the house are too loud for me. When this happens I crawl under the desk where my humans are sitting and I hide.
Yesterday the mother of that little boy came here, all the way from California to see him and her mother. And Sarah, Noelani’s friend was here and spent the night here. All the kids but Cameron left in the late morning with the visitors from California. Mary started to cook Philippine food. Lumpia she called it and something made out of noodles, she said these were cornstarch noodles with vegetables.
I watched her filling and rolling the Lumpias and I really, really hoped something would fly into my direction for me to catch it.
What is it about these humans and their food? I get the same food every day, until the bag is finished. Sometimes they get different food than but sometimes not. This is very boring. You hear me humans, all of you not just my humans, we dogs don’t want to eat the same food every day, over and over again.
You humans make different every day, once in a while you eat left overs, but most of the time you cook something different. Every day I am waiting to get something of that delicious smelling food you are making. But NO – you don’t even consider giving me something of your food. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! I would give you something of my food if you would ask as friendly as I ask you every day. I am not saying my food is not ok; it actually doesn’t taste too bad. A little more variety would be good though.
I tried for almost 8 years now to convince my humans to let me have some of their food but they keep telling me it’s not good for me. Well, if it is good for them it should be good for me! They say there are too many spices in their food, which could upset my stomach or are even poisonous, like chocolate. NOOOOO! As long as I haven’t tried if it upsets my stomach or not I am not happy with the situation.
And by the way, when my stomach is really upset I get chicken and rice, especially cooked for me, without salt they say. Oh I love rice.
I have to admit; once in a while I do get some human food. I get pancakes, rice, noodles and porridge. All this is very delicious. So why can’t I have more of this? I mean like, every day? What is wrong with you humans that you want to keep the good stuff all to yourself? Ok, ok, if I have a very tasty bone I would not want to share. Maybe I do understand your behavior a little bit.
I might think that over, maybe my food isn’t that bad. It’s just all these smells when you prepare your food are so good. On a second thought, as long as I get my favorite human food once in a while I am fine with my dog food. But come on, at least let me have what is falling down on the floor. You are not eating this anymore so let me have it.
This is me on the pictures watching Mary while she is making Lumpia. You can see my bowl with the dog food in it. And on the last picture it's me with my Nylabone. One of the best bones you can think of. This one is with peanut butter flavor.

Every time he comes out of his room I try to get in contact with him and he is not that afraid any more. Sometimes he and the other kids and teenagers in the house are too loud for me. When this happens I crawl under the desk where my humans are sitting and I hide.
Yesterday the mother of that little boy came here, all the way from California to see him and her mother. And Sarah, Noelani’s friend was here and spent the night here. All the kids but Cameron left in the late morning with the visitors from California. Mary started to cook Philippine food. Lumpia she called it and something made out of noodles, she said these were cornstarch noodles with vegetables.
I watched her filling and rolling the Lumpias and I really, really hoped something would fly into my direction for me to catch it.
What is it about these humans and their food? I get the same food every day, until the bag is finished. Sometimes they get different food than but sometimes not. This is very boring. You hear me humans, all of you not just my humans, we dogs don’t want to eat the same food every day, over and over again.
You humans make different every day, once in a while you eat left overs, but most of the time you cook something different. Every day I am waiting to get something of that delicious smelling food you are making. But NO – you don’t even consider giving me something of your food. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! I would give you something of my food if you would ask as friendly as I ask you every day. I am not saying my food is not ok; it actually doesn’t taste too bad. A little more variety would be good though.
I tried for almost 8 years now to convince my humans to let me have some of their food but they keep telling me it’s not good for me. Well, if it is good for them it should be good for me! They say there are too many spices in their food, which could upset my stomach or are even poisonous, like chocolate. NOOOOO! As long as I haven’t tried if it upsets my stomach or not I am not happy with the situation.
And by the way, when my stomach is really upset I get chicken and rice, especially cooked for me, without salt they say. Oh I love rice.
I have to admit; once in a while I do get some human food. I get pancakes, rice, noodles and porridge. All this is very delicious. So why can’t I have more of this? I mean like, every day? What is wrong with you humans that you want to keep the good stuff all to yourself? Ok, ok, if I have a very tasty bone I would not want to share. Maybe I do understand your behavior a little bit.
I might think that over, maybe my food isn’t that bad. It’s just all these smells when you prepare your food are so good. On a second thought, as long as I get my favorite human food once in a while I am fine with my dog food. But come on, at least let me have what is falling down on the floor. You are not eating this anymore so let me have it.
This is me on the pictures watching Mary while she is making Lumpia. You can see my bowl with the dog food in it. And on the last picture it's me with my Nylabone. One of the best bones you can think of. This one is with peanut butter flavor.
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