March 25, 2018 – Have you ever been to the beach of the Pacific Ocean?

When I came to the United States of America in 2015 we flew from Frankfurt/Main to Los Angeles. A terrible long flight I can assure you, but this is another story. After we landed in Los Angeles on December 27, 2015 we stayed in a hotel in Los Angeles. The next morning, after my mistress picked up the rental car, we drove to Pahrump. Well, not right away. First my humans went to a place called Huntington Beach so that I could run on the beach. Back than I didn’t know what they were talking about. What is a beach and what is an ocean? When we arrived at the beach I could smell it, it smelled like fish and salt and, mmh, I do not know what, let’s say it smelled like ocean. Huntington Beach is one of the few beaches in the Los Angeles area where dogs are allowed to run free. There were a lot of dogs. Back than I did not understand English and I could not talk to the other dogs. No, just joking. Of course all dogs from all over the world speak the same language. I mentioned in one of ...