February 5, 2018 – We are traveling again?
My mistress told me we are going back to the desert again, back to Pahrump, Nevada. She said we would stay there until the beginning of April and than go back to Connaught, Canada.
She just booked the flights but we have to find a ride from here (Connaught) to Toronto. I am a service dog but I got my paper from the US and so the rules in Canada are different and I can't go on a flight here. Hopefully they will find a ride to Toronto.
As much as I love to play in the snow I love to go back into the desert. But this means the temperate will be about 50°C warmer than here. I have to loose my fur very quick to not be hot.
I am looking forward to meet everybody again at Ken’s house.
My humans want to discuss some ideas about the balloon software they are working on with Ken and they want to go to World Balloon Convention in San Diego. I am not allowed to go there and I don’t want to and they only stay for 1 day.
We will be back here in April they say, as the True North Brigade will take place in August. I don’t know what this is but my humans and Tim have been talking about this for some while now. All I know it has something to do with canoes. I just hope I can go on the canoe with them again, as this is a lot of fun.
Looks like I will travel again.

She just booked the flights but we have to find a ride from here (Connaught) to Toronto. I am a service dog but I got my paper from the US and so the rules in Canada are different and I can't go on a flight here. Hopefully they will find a ride to Toronto.
As much as I love to play in the snow I love to go back into the desert. But this means the temperate will be about 50°C warmer than here. I have to loose my fur very quick to not be hot.
I am looking forward to meet everybody again at Ken’s house.
My humans want to discuss some ideas about the balloon software they are working on with Ken and they want to go to World Balloon Convention in San Diego. I am not allowed to go there and I don’t want to and they only stay for 1 day.
We will be back here in April they say, as the True North Brigade will take place in August. I don’t know what this is but my humans and Tim have been talking about this for some while now. All I know it has something to do with canoes. I just hope I can go on the canoe with them again, as this is a lot of fun.
Looks like I will travel again.
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