October 22, 2017 - Moving out of the camper

It is getting colder now and in the night it is below 0° Celsius now. My humans prepared the room in the basement of Tim’s house and it is ready to move in. We had heavy rain the last two days and it is getting really muddy out there. Also when it is to wet on the ground the extension cord kicks in the breaker and we don’t have power in the camper any more. Not that my humans have much they would need electricity for, just for charging their iPhones and iPad.

So my humans decided to move into the house. It’s warm in the basement and we have plenty of room.
The paddle room is getting to cold too to work in there and it takes too much wood to heat it up, as it is not insolated.
They started to work in Tim’s house in the kitchen. It’s not that could that they have to heat the house with the wood stove yet.

I stay in the house most of the time, as it is too wet out there. Remember, I don’t like water ;-) I’m fine with going into the water now but I still don’t like rain.
I’m changing my fur to be prepared for the cold. You should see Tim’s house, there is so much fur, although the clean it every day.

Professional Reader


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