October 15, 2017 - Snow!

Today it snowed for the first time. I love snow and haven't seen any for more than 2 years now. Snow is fun, you can rund around and eat it while you are running. It's cold though but that's ok if you can rest in a warm house afterwards. My humans lit a fire in the paddle room and after running in the snow I could rest on the couch and dry my fur.

I get so excited when I see snow. My humans told me there will be a lot of snow here. Great - I love this! They also said it will get very cold here. I do have pretty thick fur, I think I will be alright with that. My poor humans, they don't have fur and as far as I know they don't have thick winter coats. They better get one for themselves soon.

Snow also means that we can't go on the canoe any more. Too bad, I really enjoyed the canoe rides.

There are a lot of trees on Tim's property. There's white pine, white cedar, birch, aspen, tamarack and much more. Tim told us that he helped building a birch bark canoe on Bear Island. He says they harvest birch bark for this. Can you imagine this? The birches here are not big enough for that.

Tim already purchased wood to heat the wood stove and this is birch. I prefer the smell of cedar wood.

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