Another dog in the house

You already know Silver and Sally live in the house with Tim. I get along with them and sometimes I play with Silver outside. Of course they are jealous sometimes and I'm ok with that and step back. When my mistress or my master pet either one of them I am jealous too but I don't growl I just go next to them and my master or mistress pet me too.

A couple of days ago Mitch moved in the house too for a few days as he was looking for a new apartment. He brought his dog Cuda (from Barracuda) with him. She is a Pit bull female, only 1 year old. To be honest, I don't like her at all. She is so hyper and does not speak dog language. She comes after me all the time although I tell her no. But she just does not understand what I tell her. Well, maybe she's stubborn too. Even if I growl at her she does not back up.
Meanwhile Mitch found a new apartment but the last four days she stayed at Tim's house while Mitch was working. My mistress and my master know I don't like her so they have down in the basement while Cuda is in the house. After she is gone in the afternoon I can come upstairs with my humans.
Silver and Sally don't like her either but mostly because they are jealous and don't like her to be around Tim.

I really feel sorry for her. She does not have the chance to play with Silver, Sally or me because she is rude. We could have so much fun in the snow. Oh, I forgot to tell you it had been snowing yesterday afternoon and during the night. We have about 4 inches of snow after almost everything melted the day before yesterday.
Back to Cuda, she chews on everything. This morning she chewed on my mistress's leather boots. Tim took them away from her.
During the day there is a lot of barking and growling from all three dogs upstairs and I can't take a proper nap because it is too loud. I'm getting old and I really need my nap.

Today my mistress and my master took me for a walk in the snow again. I love this so much! Snow is fantastic!

Professional Reader


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