September 10, 2017 - I'm not myself

Silver and Sally are still in heat. Oh boy, that’s a hard life. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t think. I am sorry to say but I am not myself at the moment. All I can think of are these female dogs on the property.
My humans are not happy with the situation and they have to keep me on the leash all day long. I don’t like that at all but I think they think I am safer this way and they might be right.
I lost weight and everybody tells me I’m skinny. How can I eat while my favorite (well at least for the moment) female dogs are just a couple of feet away?
My mistress told me she hopes the females get out of heat soon and I will behave “normal” after that. I even start fighting with Diesel because I am jealous and I don’t know why.

Yesterday Josh was here with a big backhoe. He moved a little shack from one place to another. That sidetracked me a little today from following Silver and Sally.

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