September 7, 2017 – A hard time for an unfixed male dog

After we came back from the Kayak Challenge in Timmins I found out that Silver, one of Tim’s dogs is in heat. A couple of days later, Sally, Silver’s mum, was in heat too.
Well, I am an unfixed male dog and you can imagine being around two female dogs in heat is quite a challenge. Size wise they are way smaller than I am so having puppies with me would be bad for both of them.
Normally if there are female dogs in heat the unfixed male dogs follow them wherever they can, stand in front of their house and wait for them and just get crazy.
I am different, I don’t know why, but dealing with both of them is just more than I can handle. They come to me all the time, let me smell them and invite me but I really try hard to ignore them. My humans command me to leave them alone and they watch me all the time.
In the mornings both, Silver and Sally, wait outside our trailer and whine for me to come out.
Last weekend my friend Diesel was here, another male dog around with these females in heat. Shouldn’t Diesel and I fight for them? Instead Silver and Sally did not like Diesel around them at first. After a while they accepted him as well.
Diesel seems to be as uninterested in them as I am. Not that I don’t like them but somehow that does not seem to be right. I can’t explain this. I really like them as friends but not to make puppies. They really beg me and force me to make them puppies but I don’t want to. Can’t they just leave me alone?

Don’t you think this is hard for a male dog like me? What would you do if you were me? Shall I hide in the trailer while they are in heat? I can’t go anywhere without them following me. I can’t even pee alone with them around.
Yesterday there was another male dog on the property. The humans don’t know where he came from. He might have smelled that there are female dogs in heat around and he wanted to say Hi. My mistress scared him away.

Do you remember I told you I fell in love with Pepper, the black German Shephard in Surrey? Well she was in heat too and that was something completely different. With her… Enough of this, I am confused anyway and the more I think about all that the more confused I get.

A couple of people showed up last weekend on the property to help Tim to clean up the beach. Holly and her son Mikhalin (I don’t know if this is spelled correctly), Marc, Candice and Tyler came to help. I like having a lot of people around me, and a lot of dogs of course.
It was a long weekend as Monday was Labor Day and they all stayed until Monday.

Professional Reader


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