July 3, 2017 - Tim's place (about 60 km from Timmins)

July 3, 2017 – Tim’s place (about 60 km from Timmins)

Although we went to bed late we woke up early. Tim was already awake when we got up. Finally I could introduce myself to Sally and Silver properly. We went out to discover his place. It is huge and I could run around a lot on this property. The girls, Sandy and Silver, and I ran for a while playing with each other. Later this day Marc showed up and he brought his dog Diesel with him.

Diesel and I looked at each other and sniffed and we decided we would need to see who is the boss here and who would be the boss of the two ladies. I am older than him but he was here first. We started fighting a little, growling, barking, and standing on our bag legs. Somehow our humans did not like that and they told us to stop. Would you stop if you were about to win a fight? I would not and so wouldn’t Diesel. We kept on fighting and chasing with our hair on the wrist standing up. Now our humans got angry and they put us on leashes and tied me to a tree and Diesel to a bench. They made sure we got shade to not get too hot in the sun. We
weren’t far from each other and we could face each other. They kept us like that for about two hours and Marc even drove away in his truck leaving Diesel behind. I felt sorry for him as I know the feeling if your human leaves you for a while. My mistress
stayed close to me to make sure Diesel and me are fine.

After two hours they let us run again. We tried to start another fight but the humans stopped us right away and we gave up. Now we are friends, not BFF (Best Friends Forever – for those who did not know), but good friends. Whenever he comes here now we run and chase each other, that is a lot of fun. Diesel is almost as fast as I am.
My humans and I moved all our stuff to a camp on the property. This is where we will stay while it is warm. Tim says it gets very cold in the winter, around -40 to -50 degrees Celsius and that they have a lot of snow. I love snow but I don’t like being cold.

My humans always talked about leaving this place and continue traveling after the website for Tim is finished. Therefore I don’t think we will be here when it gets cold. In the evening my mistress made Lasagna, one of my master’s favorites. It smelled so
good but I never got the chance to taste this. Mike, a friend of Tim’s, had supper with the humans and he enjoyed the Lasagna too. Later Marc and Diesel showed up and I could play with Diesel and chase him.

The rest of the evening I relaxed and talked to Silver and Sally on what is going on here. I don't know if I can believe everything they told me, I have to find out if there are really coyotes, wolves, bears and moose around here.

Professional Reader


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