July 2, 2017 - Arnprior to Tim's house

July 2, 2017 Arnprior – Tim’s house (Connaught/ON)

I admit the night in the truck wasn’t bad and even my humans had a good sleep. Marc and Marc went off to find parts to repair the truck and when they came back they said the wheel will be fixed and will be ready in 1.5 hours.
Marc’s truck had problems too and they started to repair that one too. They said the transmission did not work and they had to replace one part. They drove away again to get that part too and came back after a while with the parts they needed to repair Marc’s truck.

There we were on a parking lot in Arnprior, the humans repairing trucks and I had another sleep in the trailer.
In the early afternoon everything was fixed and we could leave. Marc’s truck was not completely fixed but enough to go home.
On the way to Tim’s house we stopped in Pembroke and had lunch, Tim invited all the humans. I had to stay in the truck and I did not like this. Again they ate without me.

After they came back we went on driving to Tim’s house. They took turns in driving. My mistress drove Marc’s truck with the canoe on the trailer and my master drove the other truck with the other trailer.
They did not take many breaks only to get gas or let me pee. It was already late and bed time for me when we arrived at Tim’s house. Tim says he lives on the last paved street in the North of Ontario.
Tim’s two dogs were in the house when we arrived. Their names are Silver and Sally, Silver is Sally’s daughter. At first they barked at us but they calmed down fast. My master and my mistress only took the necessary things out of the truck and we went
to sleep soon. Tim gave us one of the rooms in his house. My humans fell right asleep on the bed and I closed my eyes and fell asleep too. What a day! Tomorrow I need to find out more about Silver and Sally and I need to check out the property.

Professional Reader


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