August 5, 2017 - Good Bye

August 5, 2017

My mistress and my master got up early after a night full of thoughts and talking. My mistress packed a little suitcase for her travels. She said she would stay for two weeks to make sure she will be there in case there would be a surgery.

Marc showed up at noon and they left to Timmins. They said they would go to the airport to get a ticket.
I had to stay with Tim and his two dogs. I did not like the idea, but Diesel and me in Marc’s small apartment would be too much they said. I don’t really know how long two weeks are, as I can’t count but to me this seems forever. What if they don’t come back and leave me here all on my own? On the other side Tim lets me run around on the property without watching me and I can sneak to Jerry’s Chip Stand on the property and beg for some food or go to the lake all by myself. My mistress and my master won’t let me do this on my own as they are afraid the train might run me over.

My master later told me that they could not get a ticket at the airport as this is a very, very small airport and there is no ticket counter. Tickets need to be purchased via Internet or phone.
Luckily my people could use Marc’s Internet at his place and they looked up which flight would do for my mistress and weren’t too expensive. They found a flight for the next day at noon from Timmins to Frankfurt/Germany via Toronto. This way my mistress would be in Germany on Monday morning and would be there if her youngest daughter would like to see her.

They could not get hold of the uncle as he was on holiday and hoped they could contact him the next morning. My master and my mistress stayed at Marc’s for the night and stayed with Tim. I miss my people so much.

Professional Reader


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