August 27, 2017 - The Great Kayak Challenge & Festival in Timmins

August 27, 2017

Today we did not get up as early as yesterday. My humans went to the Pancake Breakfast and let me try some. That was yummy. I love pancakes but as my stomach is still upset I did not get much.

Shortly after we came back to the trailer Tim showed up. We set up the tables again and my humans started to twist balloons. Today the Summer Water Sports stunt show took place on the river.
A lot of people went there to watch this. Business for my people was a little slower today. It seemed like people spent most of their money the day before. My humans still had fun and I rested underneath the table.

During the last stunt show the moderator said that one of the water skiers tripped because he wanted to save a balloon in the water.
My master just made a Not Captain America out of balloons and my mistress said he should give this to the people from the stunt show as a thank you for rescuing the balloon. So he went over there and gave it to them. They were just preparing for their final figure – a pyramid. They decided to take Not Captain America with them to be on top of the pyramid.
That’s crazy – a pyramid of water skiers and Not Captain America on top. My mistress took a video of that.
To watch the video look here:

My mistress left with Marc to do groceries and shortly after that my master and Tim started to pack everything in the trailer. After Marc and my mistress returned we went back to camp.
I was happy my stomach was way better and started to run all over the place. My humans were tired and me too, so much to see and smell the last couple of days. But I was really happy I could go with my humans while Silver and Sally had to stay at camp.
That night I slept really good.

Professional Reader


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