August 26, 2017 - The Great Kayak Challenge & Festival in Timmins

August 26, 2017

It was only 5:30 am when my mistress got up. Tim wanted to show up at 6 am to go paddling and my mistress wanted to attend the Sunrise Ceremony, Sacred Fire lighting, Smudge and Blessing of the Water which was done by the Natives. My mistress likes that and she told me it is very impressive and touching what they do.
It was very cold outside and I stayed in the trailer with my master a little longer.
After the ceremony was over we saw an eagle flying over the territory.

My humans had a quick breakfast in the trailer and a coffee from Tim Horton’s (thank you to that nice man from the security).

After they set up their table again people came and wanted to have balloons. My humans were busy all day long and could not even take a break. They said they are fine with that because they can rest in the evening and rather be there for the customers. Once in a while my mistress or my master took me for a little walk to let me pee. I still did not feel good and my stomach bothered me but it got better during the day. My place underneath the table was great and I could sleep most of the time.
During the day they were kayak races on the river behind us.

A lot of people I already know showed up – Holly, Reggie, Marc and some others. After it got dark they had fireworks. I hate fireworks as they scare me to death. There was no place I could go to hide. My mistress kept me close to her and pet me all the time to show me that everything is fine. That helped but I was still scared. Luckily that was over fast. After the fireworks there was more concerts going on.

At the end of the day I was very tired and I was glad when my humans decided to go to bed in the trailer. This time they arranged the matrasses differently and I could sleep between them.

My humans were happy because they could make kids happy with their balloons and they could do what they like and at the same time make money. I haven’t seen them that relaxed for quite a while.

Professional Reader


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