August 23, 2017 - Yipieee! She's back!

August 23, 2017

On August 21 in the afternoon my master left with Marc to pick up my mistress from the airport. My master told me she would arrive in the middle of the night.

He later told me that she arrived on time and that they went to Marc’s to stay over night. The next morning Marc did not feel good so they stayed another day in Timmins. Marc asked my mistress if she could make Lasagna. They went to the grocery store to get what the needed for the Lasagna. When they wanted to pay the card did not work, although there was enough money on the account. My mistress went out to Marc who was sitting in the truck to get cash. While she was looking for it my master came and had all the groceries with him. The lady that was next in line paid for the groceries. My master and my mistress asked me to write this in my blog and to thank the mystery woman for her kindness. This is very gentle and my humans will pass this on to somebody else.

My humans arrived at noon and I can tell you I was so happy to see them again and to have my mistress back. I missed her so much and I know my master missed her too – very much. She missed me too.
When they arrived my friend Diesel wanted to play with me but I wanted to say hello to my mistress and show her how happy I was so I had to show Diesel that he should stay out of my way for the moment. He would not listen until I growled at him.

My mistress was happy to be back although she misses her kids in Germany. Her youngest daughter was relieved from hospital. They found out that there is a something in her head. This might have been there for a while but it started to bleed and that’s where the symptoms came from. The doctor’s said they will make another MRI in three month to see if it grows and then decide if she would surgery or not. My mistress’ youngest daughter will go and see a specialist in Germany and they might do the surgery sooner. She needs to rest and avoid stress for the moment.

I could feel my mistress was sad because she misses her kids and she was still worried about her youngest one. Her thoughts were in Germany. At the same time she was happy to be back.

This night I was not allowed to sleep in my human’s bed as my mistress was back and there is not much room left. My spot is right next to them so I can smell them and I know there are here and I fell safe.

Professional Reader


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