August 19, 2017 - Party Time

August 19, 2017

Yesterday my master and Tim cleaned up the garage, worked on the Tipi and on the stage. In the evening they lit a big campfire with a lot of wood.

In the morning my master cleaned the fireplace while I was running around on the property. Around noon Ozzy came and started to barbecue a lamb. My master told me they would have a party today. Ozzy invited a couple of people to celebrate that he sold the apartment building he remodeled.

Around 3 pm a lot of people started to show up - some of them had dogs. I did not like all of them and I played with most of them but I could not say Hi to one as she had to stay in the truck. She was a beauty but quite unfriendly.

I met Holly, a friend of Ozzy. She is nice and she liked me a lot. My master talked to her too.

At about 10 pm the lamb was finally cooked and the humans had supper. It smelled very good but I could not try it. Why wouldn't the humans let me have some of that food they eat? They keep telling me it is not good for me but it is good for them. That does not make sense to me.

After supper my master and I went to the trailer but not before I sneaked out with one of the dogs. We explored the property, I showed him some of my favorite places and we played a bit.
I dreamed about all the dogs and people although I was very tired.

Professional Reader


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