June 28, 2017 – River Run (day of rest)

June 28, 2017 – River Run (day of rest)

My humans allowed me to sleep a little longer today. They said it is a day of rest. I did not know what that meant but obviously we did not have to ride in the car.

All the humans had pancakes for breakfast. Pancakes are one of my favorites. Just so you know, my favorites are pancakes, porridge, noodles and rice. I did not get any pancakes today – that’s not very nice of my humans.

After breakfast my humans packed the balloons and half of the group went into the cars to go to visit Father Marc. Father Marc has a summer camp for children in Fort Coulogne. The other half of the group went wild water rafting in the camp we stayed at.

The ride to the camp wasn’t long and I was really grateful for this. When we arrived at Camp Patro I did not expect much. I haven’t been released from my leash for the last couple of weeks. They said it’s the law that dogs are kept on the leash. Shortly after we left the car I saw another dog and I really wanted to say Hi to the dog. My mistress unleashed me and I could run with the other dog. He was very friendly and he showed me the location.
Father Marc and Susan greeted my humans and they showed them around. Father Marc does not speak English; he speaks French my humans told me. Did you know that I am bilingual? I understand German; of course as I was born in Germany, and after I spend so much time in the USA I do understand English. Just to let you know, I only understand these languages if I want to. Sometimes I pretend that I do not understand what they want me to do.

They were a lot of kids in the camp and I would have loved to play with all of them but I wasn’t allowed to. There were goats to and my mistress took me to say hi to them. But they were scared and wanted to attack me. Luckily my mistress kept me from going to close. The goats were in a stall but I could have got hurt.

While the humans had lunch I had to wait. I lied down in the shade and waited patiently. I would have loved to get something to eat too and I think Tim could read my mind as he gave me a little piece of his lunch.
After lunch all the kids sat down on benches and my master showed them how to make a balloon dog.
I think I already told you that my humans are balloon artists. They take these latex balloons, inflate them and make crazy things out of the balloons. One thing they make is a balloon dog, but these dogs don’t look like dogs at all to me and they don’t smell like a dog. Therefore I try to put as much of my fur on them as I can but somehow my humans don’t appreciate this.
They make other things too; 3D hearts, columns, garlands, table decorations, cars and even a truck in life size. You can check out their website if you want to, it is www.balloon-twister.de. My humans are multi talented – they do all their website themselves.
At first I was scared when my humans started to twist balloons because this makes a lot of noise and sometimes the balloons pop. I don’t like this noise; it reminds me of thunder or fireworks. Now I got used to this noise and I even can sleep while they twist balloons.

Anyway my master made a workshop for the kids and they all made a balloon dog. Some of the kids had difficulties and the other paddlers helped the kids to do it.
The children had a lot of fun and all of them were proud of what they did.
One little girl popped her balloon dog by accident and she started crying. My mistress went over to her and quickly made her a new one and all of a sudden the girl was happy again. They all took a picture after that with their balloon dogs.
After that they prepared the canoe we brought and three canoes that belonged to the camp. All the children put on a life jacket and went into the canoes.

My humans left me behind while they were paddling. I was scared they might leave me behind. There were dark clouds and in the distance you could see lightning. Remember I told you I am scared of thunderstorms? It started raining a couple of drops and stopped after a couple of minutes and the thunderstorm went into another direction.

They were gone for some time. I could still see them most of the time. As soon as they got back I could run around again and play with the other dog. We ran and played and I had so much fun. This was a great day! A big thank to my humans for taking me.

The children had a lot of fun and at the end they sang a song for us. I could not understand one word as it was in French but it sounded good.

After this we drove back to River Run and the humans had dinner - sorry I forgot - they had supper. Later they fed me and watched movies after that in the big barn. There was a nice fireplace with a fire and I felt comfortable there.

Professional Reader


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