June 05, 2017 - It's a long way to Seattle, WA

It’s a long way to Seattle, WA

Oh no, my humans start to pack suitcases again and they take my cage to the patio and clean it. What does that mean now? Airplane? Noooo, I don’t like this idea.
My mistress is thoughtful, excited and busy. Mmmh, I need to find out what’s going on.

They talk about a rental car. I do know what a car is but what is rental? And you can’t get to Germany with a car, right? I think I stay close to my mistress now to find out what they are planning.

Ok, I found out that they plan to travel to Canada by renting a car to go to Seattle first, which they say is close to the border of Canada.
My mistress drove away with that tall blond guy who is very friendly and obviously the boss in this house. They call him Ken. I like him.
It took them very long to come back. My master was upset and hammering on this metal thing on the table. Humans call this computer and they spend a lot of time in front of this television or screen.
It was already dark when my mistress and Ken came back and seemed to be very sad. Well, I was hungry because it was late and they forgot to feed me. I don’t like this. Normally I get hungry at about 5.30 pm and want to have my food latest 7 pm and after a little stroll through the backyard all I want is to sleep. Sleep in silence on my bed with my people around me. This is all I want but sometimes they don’t get it and I have to be annoying until they finally understand.

Sorry, I was sidetracked, back to my humans. My mistress told my master that they could not get the rental car because they did not accept the debit card. I don’t know what this means but I know my humans were very sad and upset and Ken too. They did not sleep much that night which means I did not get enough sleep either. I am 7 years old; almost a senior and I need my sleep. I thought to myself, well, I will sleep during the day instead of resting in the sun and chasing rabbits and quails in the backyard.
So I thought. Instead I had to watch my humans finish packing and I had to make sure they did not leave without me. My mistress and Ken drove away again. They said the will go to Las Vegas again, to get the rental car and something about meeting Ron, who seems to be family to Ken. He wants to help them get the car.
After my mistress and Ken took off my master got busy packing the rest of our stuff and take everything to the front door. Looks like we are leaving soon. I planned having a relaxing day in the backyard letting the sun heat up my fur and sleep a little in between teasing the neighbor’s dogs. These dogs are stupid. Every time I come close to the fence they run towards me and bark and bark while they are running back and forth. I just sniff the trees and whatever I find back there, pee a little to mark this as my place and do as if I ignore them completely. They don’t like being ignored and bark even more. After a little while I slowly walk along the fence to the other side of the backyard. They can’t follow me all the way because their fence ends after a couple of feet. Sometimes I run along the fence and they try to catch me on the other side of the fence but they always have to stop because of the end of their fence. They don’t understand that they can’t get me, stupid dogs ;-).
I do this several time a day and it’s always the same procedure. But I do feel a little sorry for them as nobody is playing with them. I always find somebody to play with me, all I need to do is being annoying and somebody will get up and play with me in the backyard. Well, it doesn’t work all the time but 90%. There are a lot of people to play with in this house.

I need to excuse, I always get sidetracked and get stick to the story. Where was I, ah yes, my mistress wanted to get a rental car. She was gone for quite a while and when she came back she was in a good mood. The rental car was a SUV, that’s what they called it. Did you know cars have names? This one was named Jeep. Humans are strange.
My master stored the luggage in the Jeep and my blanket was in the big trunk. This much space just for me? That’s great, way better than my cage. They asked me to sit in the car on my blanket. Ha, do they really think I will get out of the car again? No, I need to make sure they don’t leave me behind. They did this to me once, shortly after we got here the last time. They went for a couple of days and told me they will visit a friend at Lake Tahoe over New Years Eve. I am glad there are no fireworks on New Years Eve here as this scares me to death.
Anyway, I wasn’t wiling to leave the car. But the told me over and over again they wouldn’t leave me behind. Finally I trusted them and got back into the house with my humans. I have to admit it was very hot in the car as the temperature was 98 F and it was way hotter in the car.

I was wondering why we did not leave and listened closely to my humans. They were waiting for Ken to come back from Las Vegas. My humans had what they call lunch. Boy I tell you, these humans are lucky, they can eat whenever they are hungry and they choose what they eat. Me, the dog, I get food once a day and they choose what I get. My mistress knows my favorite food and she makes sure I get it once in a while. I do love pancakes and porridge, raw meet, noodles and rice. Sometimes, when my stomach is upset my mistress makes me rice with chicken breast - so yummy.

Ok, back to the story - they had lunch and waited for Ken to come back. Shortly after he came back we said goodbye to everybody. And off we went.

Wait a minute, where are we going again? Seattle? Where is it, when will we be there?


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