March 27, 2021 – my mistress is an artist and I love her pictures
All these pictures I add to my blog or post on my Facebook page are taken by my mistress. But she only shares the “not so good ones” with me, most of the time. I love her pictures! Last year she made that short video of the Husky farm we stayed at. Now she finally found the time to finish it to the full length of the song. All the pictures and videos in this video are made by my mistress and she did everything else too (except the music). It gives me the chills when I watch this. Unfortunately I could never see the dogsled because I had to wait at home but I know all the dogs personally, played with some of them and I am part of this video. Some of the dogs in the video crossed the rainbow bridge. Maybe you want to watch it too and let me or my mistress know what you think. My mistress loves taking pictures of wildlife and details. She could sit for hours and wait for something to show up that’s worth taking a picture of. Unfortunately there weren’t many occasions t...