August 18, 2018 – My humans went to a Powwow and did not take me with them

Today was a bad day, at least for me. My humans went to a Powwow in Mattagami, ON. No pets are allowed there and although I am a service dog I had to stay at home. They put me in the Paddle Room and I had to stay there. No, I did not like that at all. In the afternoon I was tired of being there and just jumped out of the window and joined Tim and his dogs.

A Powwow, never heard this word. What is it? According to Wikipedia a Powwow is a social gathering hold by Native People. They meet and dance and often have competitions. Wikipedia says the name Pow Wow “is derived from the Narragansett word powwow, meaning “spiritual leader”. “
Does not sound too interesting to me but my humans were all excited about that. Again they put on that bright orange brigade shirt. Joyce was with them and they wanted to do some groceries on their way.

Later my mistress told me all about the Powwow.
A lot of the Native People were dressed in colorful clothes with beats and feathers. There are different dances, like a grass dance, chicken dance. There is a meaning behind the names and the steps.
While the intertribal part of the dance everybody is welcomed to dance. And there are drummers for the music.

My mistress was overwhelmed by all the impressions and she just loved it. The Mattagami People were very friendly and answered questions and my humans had the feeling they were welcome. ( During the intertribal part of the dance the MC (Master of Ceremonies) mentioned these people in the bright orange shirts and that they should come and dance with them. So my mistress and Joyce joined the dance.
My mistress could not find words to explain to me how awesome this experience was for her. To hear the drumming and singing and feel her feet move although she did not wanted to move them. Her had marking the rhythm. She told me it felt so familiar and good.
To be honest I don’t know what she was talking about, I never felt that way.
They had some good food too and before they left they found a vendor that sold things made out of leather. My mistress bought a bracelet made out of buffalo hide. While they were talking the vendor told Joyce and my humans that he designs leather clothes too. ( He showed them some amazing dresses and they loved it.

I am sure this is not the last powwow my humans visited.

Professional Reader


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