April 24, 2018 – My Birthday

It’s my birthday! I am 8 years old now in human computation of time. That means I am getting old, but I don’t feel old. I feel young and healthy. Maybe I am a little more tired than a couple of years ago but there is so much to experience and see out in the world.

Yesterday my humans took me to the store and got me treats and a new toy. I was allowed to choose the toy and I chose the hedgehog. Well, I already have a hedgehog toy but the squeaker doesn’t work any more and I love making that noise.

These treats are yummy! Sadly I only get just 5-6 a day. They are called Crunchy treats with real mixed berries. You can smell the blueberries in it and my mistress says smelling them makes her hungry.

This morning they hugged me and played with me and showed me how much they love me. It was a hot day. I still have my winter fur that grew in Canada where it was very cold. My mistress brushes me but somehow I don’t loose that fur. Might be because it is cold here in the night.

As it was a hot day they made me some “beef bouillon slush”. That was so good, I could have it every day. I just love ice cubes and slush with a flavor is even better. It’s very refreshing when it’s hot.

Well, that was the nice part of that day. After lunch my humans thought they would need to give me a bath. Ok, I started to like water, but not that kind of water. It’s nice to go for a swim in the lake, chase the stick or go for a canoe ride, but being washed with warm water and SOAP!!!! – that’s not fun. My mistress made sure she washed every part of my body – she said I was stinky. That might be true, as I haven’t taken a bath in the lake for a couple of months. How was I supposed to do that when the lake was frozen? Couldn’t she just have waited till we got back to Canada and I could take a bath in the lake? No, she couldn’t, AND she wanted to use soap to make sure I am clean.
After she pored all the water on me to rinse the soap off I made sure to shake myself right next to her. You should have heard her scream! Oh what a joy, that was my revenge.

My humans prepared a blanket for me inside where I could rub myself dry. I do love that part of being wet. It’s more fun in the sand but a blanket is fine too.

The bath wasn’t that bad after all, my skin wasn’t itching any more and my fur was soft again. And I need to admit; it was refreshing being wet on a hot day like that.

Professional Reader


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